5 tips to help bring back your workout motivation

Are you struggling to keep up with your 2019 health and fitness resolution? Having ventured into March, many people will have fallen off the wagon in terms of their healthy eating and fitness program. It can be tough keeping up the momentum further into the new year, so, Fit Squad DXB’s co-founder Daniel Wells has outlined some tips and tricks to get back on track. 

  • Never miss Sunday

This one is super important if you’re struggling with motivation. Starting the week right, regardless of what you’ve been up to at the weekend or what you did the week before is key. Right from the word go, get things in line, a healthy breakfast, plenty of water (3/4 litres per day) and get that first training session of the week in. Your Sunday session doesn't have to be hours long or a super intense workout, especially if you’ve had time off, but psychologically it’s a massive boost to get that first one in at the beginning of the week.

  • Book in your training session like a meeting and have a plan

If you’re struggling with time management as many of us do in the UAE, it’s crucial to put your training session up there with the same importance as a work deadline or family time, it must be a regularity in your life. One good way of making sure you get your sessions in, is to book in your hour a day as a meeting and think of it as important as one. This way, you’re less likely to miss training because you ran out of time.

  • Set a pre-workout routine

Setting a pre-workout routine can help you prepare for your training session in many different ways, be it mentally of physically. Try to eat 60-90 minutes before your session, have a coffee if you’re a coffee drinker (green tea if you’re not), hydrate fully and supplement with a high protein shake and even some creatine to help boost energy levels. Creating a routine before each session will get you in the correct state of mind and ingesting the above will have your body primed physically for your session. 

  • Remembering what inspired you to start

Keeping in mind why you started training in first place is so important, focus on your goal and don’t forget. It’s so easy to slip back into old ways, but keeping an eye on the prize will keep you in check. Try watching some inspiring videos or reading interesting blogs on food and fitness – give yourself a 30 minute YouTube session and you’ll be surprised how quickly this can put you back in the right mindset. 

  • Get a workout buddy or personal trainer

Getting a good gym buddy can hep you in so many ways, be it motivation, accountability, spotting, healthy competition or having two minds to create a more varied and interesting training session. Your parter must be the right partner though… training with someone that’s not into it as much as you, or has tendencies to cancel, can actually bring you down – so, be picky when choosing your gym buddy. Alternatively, getting a PT to support you and help with motivation is no brainer, this is one of the key benefits of having a fitness professional working with you.

Read next: Are you eating too much protein?

Jamie Bassi