
Strength Training

Strength training is the fundamental component to many other disciplines including resistance training. The weight, tempo, technique and rep range has a huge role to play in gaining results during a personal training session. It’s often difficult to keep correct form when lifting heavy weights at a slow tempo, and why having a Dubai personal trainer when wanting to gain size and strength is really helpful and advised.

There are many different components that need to be addressed when planning a strength program, volume, workload and rest to name a few. Of all the types of training in Dubai this is probably the one where most people are making incorrect choices from the beginning, and in turn performing with bad technique during their training sessions and then not receiving very good or indeed any results at all.

Here at Fit Squad DXB we have some of the best personal trainers in Dubai and many have, and continue to, compete at national and International level when it comes to physique and strongman competitions.

Get in touch by calling us on +971 55 542 7231, emailing us at or Complete the form below to book your free Dubai personal trainer consultation now.